Klaus Schwab – Who is he and his net worth

Klaus Schwab

Who is klaus schwab?

Klaus Martin SchwabProfessor Klaus Schwab was born in 30 March 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany. He married with “Hilde Schwab” in 1971 and had two children ‘first one is Olivier born in 1973 and, seconds is Nicole born in 1975’.

klaus schwab net worth


1957Ravensburg, GermanyGraduated from the Humanistisches Gymnasium
1962Zurich, SwitzerlandDipl. Ing., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
1963Fribourg, SwitzerlandLic. ès sc. écon. et soc. (summa cum laude), University of Fribourg
1966Zurich, SwitzerlandDoctorate in Engineering (Dr. Sc. Tech.), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
1967Fribourg, SwitzerlandDoctorate in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.), University of Fribourg
1967USAMaster of Public Administration, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
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Academic Activities

Honorary ProfessorForeign Affairs University of Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Honorary ProfessorBen-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel
MemberRoyal Academy of Morocco at North Africa

Thought Leadership

Klaus Schwab is a inovator of several inovative concepts, including:

  • Collaborative Stakeholder Engagement
  • Partnerships Between Public and Private Sectors
  • Innovative Social Enterprises
  • Global Corporate Responsibility
  • Technological Transformation of Society

Early career:

Experience on the shop floor of several companies in between 1958-1962.
Assistant to the Director-General of the German Machine-building Association (VDMA), at Frankfurt in between 1963-1966.
Member, Managing Board, Sulzer Escher Wyss AG, Zurich, a manufacturing company with activities in several countries and over 10,000 employe, during 1967-1970.
Selected former activities
1972-2003 becomes Professor for Business Policy at University of Geneva in Switzerland.
After 2003 becomes Honorary Professor atUniversity of Geneva in Switzerland.
1993-1995 becomes the Member of United Nations High-Level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development.
1996-1998 becomes the Vice-Chairman of United Nations Committee for Development Planning.
1. He is a German economist, engineer and known for founder and executive chairman of Word Economic Forum (WEF). He established the WEF in 1971 as European Economic Forum to increase public-private corporation.
2. He is an author of “influential Works” including the Forth Industrial Revolution in which he talk about the great changes brought by Technological Advancement.
3. In 1971 became the founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum. It is established to better the state of the world and an international organization for Public-Private Corporation. This Forum involve the Political, Business and other Leader of Society to form the global, regional and industry agendas. Today the WEF is employing more then 600 in Geneva, New york, Beijing and Tokyo.
4. 1998 Co-Founder, together with his wife Hilde, Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship is a regional and global level platform to point out and promote leading Models of acceptable Social Innovations. It shows the select community of Social Entrepreneurs and involves global, regional and industry agendas that collaborate with other stakeholders of the World Economic Forum.
5. 2004 Founder, Forum of the Young Global Leaders. The Forum of Young Global Leaders (YGL) a 30 to 40 years old, is a multi stakeholder community of Young Leaders. They share a promise of building a global Future. Every year they appoint amazing 100 individuals to join YGl for 5 years. Today it has form a international community of more than 1000 young leaders having a remarkable imact on our Global Future.
6. 2011 Founder, Global Shapers Community. The GSC a 20 to 30 years old, is a Global Network of local communities(“hubs”) of young people. They are extra ordinary in ther potential achievements. Hubs are based in each major city around the world. Currently over 450 hubs are established globally.
Editorial Activities
Klaus Schwab is a Author of the annual Global Competitiveness Report (since 1979), numerous articles and several books.
Klaus Schwab’s latest book “The Fourth Industrial Revelution(2016)” becomes worlwides bestseller and gets translated into 30 different languages.
Selected Others Activities
As a Trustee of the Peres Center for Peace in Tel Aviv, Israeler
As a Member of the Board of the Lucerne Festival in Switzerland
As a Founding Member of the Climate Leadership Council

Academic Awards and Honorary Doctorates (Doctor Honoris Causa)

1991Honorary Doctorate from Bishop’s University in Lennoxville, Québec, Canada
1992Honorary Doctorate from Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara in Mexico
1996Honorary Doctorate from the Economic University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
1999Honorary Doctorate from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland
1999Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beersheva, Israel
2002Honorary Doctorate in Science from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom
2008Honorary Doctorate in Humanities from Kazan State University in Tatarstan
2009Honorary Doctorate from the University of Latvia
2009Honorary Doctorate from the European Business School in Germany
2009Honorary Doctorate from Nankai University in Tianjin, China
2010Honorary Doctorate in Economics from the Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City
2011Honorary Doctorate in Economics from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland
2012Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand
2015Honorary Doctorate in Science from KAIST in Daejeon, South Korea
2017Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy from Haifa University in Israel
2017Honorary Doctorate in Letters from the National University of Singapore
2017Honorary Doctorate from Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania

National Distinctions

1988Awarded the Cross of the National Order of Merit by Germany
1995Received the Commander’s Cross of the National Order of Merit from Germany
1997Honored as a Knight of the Légion d’Honneur in France
1997Granted the Golden Grand Cross of the National Order of Austria
1997Awarded the Medal of Freedom by the Republic of Slovenia
2002Received the Commander’s Cross with Star of the National Order of the Republic of Poland
2002Honored with the highest-level Order of Friendship from Kazakhstan
2003Awarded the Order of Stara Planina, First Class, by Bulgaria
2005Received the Decoration of First Degree for Outstanding Giving from Jordan
2006Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II as a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (KCMG)
2008Awarded the Commander’s Cross for merits to the Republic of Lithuania
2011Received the Order of the Polar Star from Mongolian People’s Republic
2012Honored with Grand Cross with Star National Order Merit by Germany
2012Awarded Mexican Order del Águila Azteca
2013Received Grand Cordon Order Rising Sun Japan
2014Honored Colombian Order San Carlos
 2018– Awarded Friendship Medal outstanding contributions China’s reform opening policies over years

Selected Awards (since 2000)

|- Year |- Award |-
|- 2000 |- Annual Award International Institute Education |-
|- 2000 |- Annual Award Fellowship Foreign Policy Association USA |-
|- 2001 |- Candlelight Award presented UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan |-
|- 2002 |- Annual Award Fondation Genève |-
|- 2002 |- Guggenheim Humanitarian Award |-
|- 2002 |- Award International Council Christians Jews (ICCJ) |-
|- 2004 |- Dan David Prize awarded Tel Aviv University |-
|- 2005 |- Transatlantic Bridge Award |-
|- 2006 |- Freedom City London |-
|- 2006 |- UCD Ulysses Medal University College Dublin Ireland |-
|- 2007 |- Induction German Business Hall Fame |-
|- 2010 |- Global Citizen Award Atlantic Council |-
|- 2016 |- Reinhard Mohn Prize Responsible Entrepreneurship |-
|- 2016 |- Progress Medal Society Progress INSEAD |-
|- 2018 |- Global Economy Prize Kiel Institute World Economy |


Q1. What is klaus schwab net worth?

Ans: Klaus Schwab is a rich man, but we don’t know exactly how much money he has. He started the World Economic Forum, which is a big group that helps leaders from different countries work together. Some people think his money can be between $11 million and $25 million, but there’s no official number to prove it. His income is usually kept private, so we can only guess how much he is worth. Even though there are some estimates, no one really knows for sure.

Q2. Who is claus schwab?

Ans: The name is same only it is language pronunciation difference between claus schwab and klaus schwab.

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